Brachychiton populneum

Flowers of Brachychiton populneum, May 2011.

Flowers of Brachychiton populneum, May 2011.

Brachychiton populneum

“Kurrajong” or “Brachychiton.”


An evergreen, frost sensitive, fast growing but medium sized tree (6-10m) found in warm climates. Pyramidal in habit when young, becoming conical.  The glossy, long stalked leaves are variable on the same tree; some “poplar like”, others 3 to 5 lobed, and the bell-shaped flowers hang in panicles. each creamish in colour but with a reddish spotted throat.The flower are followed by a fruit; a woody brown/blackish folicle. Originating from Australia, Brachychiton copes well with hot conditions and drought, having a large tap root which aids the search for water.


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